
Clinic Reviews

The subject of IVF clinic reviews comes up regularly in my practice. People will read reviews and often decide which clinic to go with based on the opinions of others and their experiences. Reviews can be wonderful tools, but I see fabulous clinics and doctors with undeserved bad reviews. Here’s what I have to say about that.

Sometimes, reviews may be written by patients upset that things didn’t work out for them. Perhaps they did legitimately have a bad experience. However, there are only so many tools that IVF doctors have available to them, only so many medications at their disposal. IVF may fail due to circumstances that doctors can’t control, such as a patient’s advanced age, poor egg quality, genetic issues that can’t be solved, or other physical limitations that are not easily overcome. Such issues have nothing to do with the doctor or the clinic.

Good or bad reviews, I think it’s always best to do a ‘meet and greet’ with your new IVF doctor and see for yourself what you think. Have an open mind and decide for yourself.

Fertility coaching can help you navigate finding a clinic and doctor. I have experience to guide you when you are looking for the clinic that suits your needs.

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