My Fertility Coaching

Bringing more than two decades of experience with infertility to


Clinic Coaching

I provide information to you with regards to how to navigate the day to day with the clinic you chose to go with. This includes how clinics provide the services they do, how they communicate with their patients and what a patient can expect with some of the inner workings of fertility clinics. This is an important subject to cover as the expectations of the patient often don’t match the offerings of the clinic and patients can feel overwhelmed when in fact, the clinic is status quo with how they do things due to the vast number of patients that they are seeing at any given time.


Invitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is when mature eggs are retrieved from a woman’s ovaries and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory. There are many reasons why IVF is needed including failed Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), diminished egg quality, removal of fallopian tubes, male factor issues, endometriosis, PCOS and others. Many women and couples aren’t prepared for IVF as it is a big step in the fertility process and can be overwhelming. With my vast experience treating IVF, I can help navigate this procedure and provide experienced and educated advice to those facing this possible treatment.


Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI is a procedure to artificially inseminate a woman with sperm that has been washed of mucus and non-motile sperm in the semen. A catheter (tube) is inserted into the uterine cavity and sperm is placed directly into the uterus. Often, this procedure is used prior to making a decision to move onto IVF if the IUI(s) are unsuccessful. IUI’s are often not recommended if there are circumstances were the Fertility Dr is concerned that they won’t work; for instance, certain male factors or other issues with the woman where IVF would be better suited.


Cycle Monitoring and Timed Intercourse

Often, the clinics who do not perform IVF will start with cycle monitoring and timed intercourse with heterosexual couples. Sometimes, medications such as Letrozole will be given to help stimulate ovaries. The clinic brings the woman in to do ultrasounds around ovulation to pin point when the woman will actually ovulate and the couple will “try on their own” to conceive. This monitoring also serves to see if the woman is ovulating and if her follicles are maturing properly and may show the need for IUI or IVF depending on how her follicle are responding to the medications.



There are many tests that fertility clinics request in order to determine a possible diagnosis as to why you may be experiencing fertility issues. With my many years of experience and education, I can help you to understand why they may be carried out and can help guide you to ask the right questions with your Dr should the need arise. Testing doesn’t have to stressful and my goal is to help alleviate any concerns you may have.



There are several medications that are used with cycle monitoring, IUI and IVF. These are generally given a certain time in a woman’s cycle, depending on the particular procedure. With my experience and education, I can help women understand the medications and to guide you to ask the right questions with your Dr should the need arise.



There are many great supplements that can be taken to help both men and women enhance their fertility and support their particular situation safely and effectively. Depending on the issues and/or diagnosis, I can suggest supplements that may help. With so much information out there, it’s imperative that supplements be suggested by someone who has the education and knowledge to know what is safe to use for fertility. Many supplements, even if they seem safe, contain estrogens and other compounds that aren’t good for fertility or pregnancy.


The Waiting Game

Waiting for IUI and IVF results can be stressful and daunting. The longest 2 weeks! By having someone to talk to during this time, it can help put you at some sort of ease. I have spent countless hours chatting with my patients during this difficult wait and have the experience and empathy to understand what helps and what doesn’t.


Failed Procedures

The dreaded failed IUI or worse, IVF can be very defeating. All the planning, testing, monitoring, money and procedures only to end up with a negative result. This is compounded if it’s been more than once. This can leave the woman or couple feeling lost. I have supported countless negative results over my 22 years working with fertility and can help you form a new plan, along with your Dr for next steps. I can guide you to ask the right, sometimes tough questions when you meet with your Dr to talk about what’s next


Emotional Support

Without a doubt, the hardest part of the fertility journey are the myriad of emotions that follow you through all the procedures, tests, results, hopes and fears. No one going through this process isn’t affected. My 22 years of experience and education coupled with my own fertility journey have provided me with an empathy that allows me to truly relate to whatever you are going through, even though our journey may have been unique to each of us. Emotional support is paramount when going through the fertility process and I am there for each person in whatever capacity they may need.



As a Doula (professional labor and birth support) for over 20 years, and a three time mom myself, I have considerable experience and knowledge when it comes to pregnancy. There are times when mom’s to be just need an ear from someone who can shed some light on the challenges of pregnancy, especially when it comes to the emotional aspects of their journey. Although we always contact our Dr or Midwife when we have medical issues, there are times when we just want some support from someone who has experience. Often Dr’s and Midwives are too busy to answer the small questions or address the emotional needs of their pregnant patients/clients which can leave pregnant mom’s feeling unheard and vulnerable. As such, I can provide kind, caring and safe answers to your questions and an empathetic ear as pregnancy, although a magical time can also be a challenging time. I can help alleviate any concerns, fears or emotions that a mom to be may have and I have the expertise to know when you must contact your Dr or Midwife.



With over 20 years as a Doula (professional labor and birth support), and mom of three, I have attended many births and know the journey well. There are often so many questions that mom’s to be may have or concerns about the process of birth that they are not getting answers to. Other mom’s, although often well meaning, may have birth stories that invoke fear in first time mom’s in particular and may not be the best source of support. Or, your own previous birth experience may have left you with concerns for this baby and you need an unbiased ear to help you ground yourself in the birth you are about to have now. You may be unsure of how to navigate options that have been presented to you or you have fears about labor induction. You may have been booked for a cesarean section and are nervous or frightened. This is where my empathy, experience and education can be beneficial. I can help make sense of the countless scenarios that you may be faced with and guide you to having the best possible experience you can with any circumstances you may be facing.


Post Partum

The best moments of our lives are when we finally get to meet our babies. There’s nothing else like it. We spend so long dreaming about motherhood, how it’s going to be, what kind of mother we’ll make and how to do the best for our little ones. But, the reality of becoming a mom, can come with challenges. Difficulty breast feeding, sleepless nights, a fussy baby to name a few. More challenging and even frightening, can be Post Partum Depression. The key to overcoming the challenges of a new baby and being a new mom or even a second, third, fourth time mom is having good, solid support. Being able to talk to someone who’s been there and who also has the expertise and resources to help you find the help you may need to navigate through those first few months. Studies have shown that lack of support and social isolation can lead to Post Partum Depression. I can help you with all of this.


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